Senin, 06 Februari 2017

pengpengobatan natural for leaking diseased heart disease

pengpengobatan natural for leaking diseased heart disease

are you one of the millions of americans sufferingfrom acid reflux? did you know actually 50% of america suffers from this? billions ofdollars are spent every single year on things to suppress that acid reflux right? thoseburps that you get up acid coming in your mouth. i don’t want you to be spending you’remoney on this stuff and i know the companies that produce it are gonna hate me from makingthis video but you have to really understand what the root cause of the issue is. it’snot the fact that you’re making too much acid, acid reflux right? some people thinkthat. they’re burping it up, they feel like they’re making too much it’s actuallythe opposite of that. acid reflux is actually your body’s inability to produce as muchhcl or which the hydrochloric acid in your

stomach is it needs to digest the food andto maintain that homeostasis of the gut. often acid reflux is the sign of age pylori. soi’m gonna show you some easy in natural ways that you can start implementing rightaway to hopefully make us inside feel better, have more energy and not to worry about acidreflux. it can be embarrassing, you know you get the burps, the hiccups, stomach the heartburn,you have to take up your medication and have it before you eat a meal can be pretty inconvenientand if we do anything at fitlife tv it’s to bring more inconvenience to you. what canwe do? in a second i’m gonna show you juice recipe that will really help with it but firstlet’s talk about tangible tips, tools and strategies that you can implement in yourlife. so number one, i want you to start eating

unprocessed foods, foods from the farm, foodfrom the land not from some plant that they put in boxes that sits on shelves for yearswith the stability life this to the roof. got to start eating healthy foods from thefarmers market, from whole foods preferably organic if you can get your hands on it. numbertwo, probiotics. your gut bacteria changes every 20 minutes. 80% of your immune systemcomes from your gut, 90% of the serotonin which is that happy chemicals produced inthe gut so you wanna make sure that you’re feeding yourself good probiotics as well asprebiotics, restricted starches. things that like the celery, of this, feeds that goodbacteria coz you are not what you eat, you are what you are what your bacteria eats inyour body which produces that healthy colony.

number three is fermented foods. fermentedfoods are absolutely amazing and they help feed that good bacteria in your gut. numberfour is high quality sea salt. celtic sea salt has over 88 trace minerals in it or youcould get pink himalayan sea salt and it’s absolutely amazing for you. i want you tostart eliminating food triggers. food triggers are things that we talked about with our coachingstudents that can trigger allergies such as sugar, dairy, wheat, alcohol, caffeine aremore common food triggers so i want you to start eliminating those as well. number sixis one of my favorite things, we made a blog post it was 99 things apple cider vinegaris good for. yeah 99 things apple cider vinegar is good for. this stuff is absolutely amazing!i try to get one or two tablespoons a day,

mixed up a little bit of water. it’s gonnagive you more energy, it’s going to help balance out that internal digestive thing i’d recommend is if you do have acid reflux maybe try putting a teaspoon ora half a teaspoon of this in water and drinking it 10 minutes before meal. it’s gonna helpbuild more hcl in your stomach so that you can digest the food. alright so those arethe six things, we’re now gonna make a juice recipe. come on over here, what do we got?we got one cucumber, three stalks of celery, some collard greens and you know i love thisthings, we have a half of a granny smith apple, green apple has a little bit less sugar thanred apple. it’s not quite as sweet either. we’re also going to add one tablespoon ofapple cider vinegar and this is the acid reflux

juice recipe. it’s gonna help you out! herewe go, hmm, that apple actually has a nice kick to it. apple cider vinegar i probablyput about two tablespoons in here, you could back off a little bit if you want to. it’sreally, really good. love this juice recipe. alright so at that time who won the juicer?remember next week if you wanna win the juicer scroll down to the bottom of this blog post,leave a comment below about how your life is changed by implementing some of the strategiesand tips that we talked about on fitlife tv. today’s juicer winner is timothy bermudez!timothy started watching along in making our smoothie recipes about six months ago. he’snoticed great improvements with his eczema. his wife and him also started making naturalhomemade baby food for their daughter. talk

about super parents! use this kuving’s juicerto boost your family’s health and keep us posted on how you feel. congratulations timothy!so hopefully you enjoyed these tips my friend. make this green juice, leave a comment below.i’m gonna giveaway one of the kuving’s juicers to somebody who tells me about juicingand how it’s impacted their life specifically what i’m looking for this week is if juicinghas helped you deal with some sort of gut problem, you know maybe its acid reflux orsomething? it’s help to us. leave a comment below and will pick a winner for next always drew canole, give this video a big like, share this with somebody that you careabout. it’s all about the movement and i want you to do this with me as a fitlife coach,i’m impacted by the stories that i hear

from other people in our communities so rememberwe’re in this together. i’ll see you soon.

pengpengobatan natural for leaking diseased heart disease Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: #1

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